Ready-mix concrete (RMC) is a concrete type, which is manufactured in the cement industry, also known as batching plant. In which a set of proportions were fixed for cement, sand and water to make the concrete outcome and delivered to the construction sites. These mixes are really very efficient to complete your construction in no time. The quality of the mixture will be also good and tested since the ’80s. In the year 1980, a cement manufacturer tests the production of ready mix concrete and it is spread out to the world nearly 3-4 decades ago.
How ready mix concrete made?
The ready mix concrete consists of cement, water, sand, and other needed chemicals that are perfectly weighted according to the needed proportion using larger machines in the cement factory and transported to the places where it is needed. This concrete can be directly used without adding anything to them. The automatic plants which are employed to deliver this mix concrete will be properly programmed for the level of water and mixture ratio to get a quality product. Before preparing the ready mix all the ingredients are thoroughly tested for their quality in a well-advanced laboratory to meet its international standards. On each and every batch of concrete making the outcome product is tested to ensure their quality and also whether the product meets the requirement of the client or not.
Types of ready mix concrete
There are about 3 types of ready mix concrete available, they are
Truck Mixed Concrete:
In this type of concrete making, the materials are batched first at the central plant, and then it is mixed thoroughly in the truck. In this mixing process, it separates water from the cement, and then aggregates start the mixing process. It is mostly used because it doesn’t harden easily and also doesn’t form small lumps. One major drawback is the capacity of the mix manufacturing is same as of the truck size.
Shrink-mixed concrete
Shrink mixed concrete is used to increase the truck’s load capacity in which the concrete is mixed in order to shrink its volume. The balance mixing of concrete is done on the truck during the transit time.
Central-mixed concrete
Central mixed concrete is manufactured in the plants known as wet batch plants in which the concrete is segmented and it is thoroughly mixed with the help of stationary mixer at the construction point, before discharging them into the truck mixers. Central mixed concrete has a better quality while compared with other forms. The concrete consistency and production capability are also high.
Bottom Line:
Ready mix concrete saves a lot of time and manual power while constructing building structures. More overly it helps to save the wastage of raw materials and that can be used efficiently. For bulker construction or to construct a building faster without compromising the quality then these ready mix concrete is really a boon for them. You can choose the type of concrete according to your client requirement from the best cement manufacturer and deliver your project within the target timings.