February 18, 2025
Burning Scalp Hair Loss Problems? Know the causes and treatment

Burning Scalp Hair Loss Problems? Know the causes and treatment

Why does your scalp burn?

Hair is one of the important barometers of general health. An excessive hair loss might have deeper problems. As per the experts’ research, it is normal to miss 50 to 100 hair every day. But in some cases, the burning scalp problems might be accompanied by scaly patches, bumps, flakiness, and dandruff problems. It happens when you scratch your hair scalp aggressively, and this is one of the main reasons for hair loss because scratching effects the strength your hair follicles hold. IndulekhaOil is one of the prominent solutions for hair loss and burning scalp problems. You can easily find this product at normal shops or even online.

Causes of burning scalp and hair loss problems

  • Stress Anxiety plays an important role in the overall health of a person. Therefore, it is crucial to be medically fit to prevent problems like hair loss.
  • Poor hygiene might be one of the first reasons for hair loss and scalp problems. If you want to grow healthy hair, one must follow hygiene, such as washing the hair thrice every week or using appropriate hair products.
  • Migraines are also one reason for hair loss; therefore, try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and routine to prevent such problems.
  • Skin disorders such as tineacapitis, tenia Versicolor, psoriasis, etc., might be other reasons for hair loss and burning scalp problems.

Treatment for burning scalp and hair loss problems

Indulekha Bhringa Oil is one of the powerful treatments for hair and scalp problems. It is prepared by Ayurvedic proprietary, which is clinically proved to be effective on such hair problems. It is testes, and the tests represent that if it is used regularly 3 times a week for four consecutive months, it does help reduce hair fall and growing new hair. It also keeps your scalp clean and healthy, which helps in reducing the problem of scalp burning.