September 8, 2024

Seven Must-Have Essential Painting Tools & Equipments You Need for House Painting

Are you feeling intimated to paint your home by yourself? We assure you to use our must-have painting tools and feel like a pro in no time. Happy painting!

There’s something about that fresh coat of paint on a wall or ceiling that makes it feel brand new. But we wonder if anyone is comfortable with the idea of painting a room all by themselves? The painting job may seem time-consuming, difficult, and strenuous, but if you get the right painting tools and equipment, half your job is sorted.

Doing your own painting can be cost-saving and be pretty gratifying. For this reason, we’ve shared the best paint supplies you’ll require along with easy tips to help you through your painting process.

How to Select the Best Painting Tools:

Painting for beginners and veteran renovators can be an interesting project. After all, it’s pretty simple, and should something go wrong, it’s easy to take care of the flaws. But before you start, it’s important to have a few painting types of equipment ready. Read on to learn how to select the best painting tools to make sure you get a good head-start.

1. Painter’s Tape

In our haste to paint the whole surface, we seldom neglect painting the edges properly. In order to avoid this, we recommend the painter’s tape. Well, yes, going by the term, it is referred to as the tape utilized by painters to achieve zero spills and clean lines. Also, it is similar to masking tape, but the painter’s tape has better adhesion.

Painter’s tape comes in a wide range of stickiness, sizes, and types. When selecting the size, remember that a narrower tape roll is used for sealing corners or small areas, whereas a wider tape roll is used for better protection, or covering window panes. And while checking for the stickiness, select an extra-sticky tape for grainy surfaces, and a less-adhesive one for covering a delicate surface.

Firmly apply the tape around every corner of the room, including window or door casings and A/C units. As the paint will not get under the tape, it’ll ensure that everything will remain clean and dry.

Fun fact: Apart from ensuring neatly-washed walls, this tape can also be used for decoration. Use the painter’s tape to create a design for a painted floor, or a mural, or any other design throughout your home.

2. Sandpaper

The idea ofpainting for beginnerscan get pretty daunting but using a simple source like sandpaper can fix all flaws. While painting a wall or ceiling, it is important to start on a smooth surface to achieve perfect results. It is possible with the methodical use of the sandpaper. The application will level out spackles, ridges, and patches. Sanding also ensures the removal of blurs and roughened areas in your home.

Smooth out the walls using the sandpaper starting from the base to the ceiling. Then finish off sanding horizontally along the base and ceiling.

3. Paint Rollers

Using a paint roller will prevent streaks, save time, and provide a smooth finish. For best coverage, start painting with the roller from the corner of the room, using long strokes of the W pattern. Continue filling the space and working in sections without lifting the paint rollers. Move in small sections until you’re done. Once the wall or ceiling dries, it’s ready for the next coat. You can paint your walls or the corners one at a time for best results.

4. Paint Tray

The painting tray is one of the essential painting tools, especially when used with a roller. You can look up for a hard metal paint tray and disposable plastic inserts for painting a small room. For best use, pour the paint in the tray, allow the paint to dry, and add more paint over it. Dip your roller in the paint tray and roll it to and fro for better distribution. After applying a few layers, peel off the sheet of the dried paint and repeat the steps.

5. Small Brushes

When you’re finished with the painting, and the tape has been pulled off, you’ll need a little touch-up. For this, you will require small brushes. While rollers are ideal for covering large spaces, small brushes are ideal for covering up edges. You may choose between a natural bristle-brush, polyester brush, angled brush, and flat-headed brush for paintings for home. For instance, use the natural bristle one for oil paintings, the polyester for latex paints, the angled brush to brush along straight lines, and the flat-headed ones for filling in larger spaces.

6. Ladder

While it’s okay to paint standing on top of a chair or table, we’d still recommend a ladder for painting your walls or ceiling.  Invest in a compact, folding one so that you can easily store it away after use. Look for one with an adjustable height so you can use it as a regular sized ladder.

7. Putty Knife

The putty knife looks small but it is still a powerhouse of a tool while doing paintings for home. Even if you have a small or a lot of painting jobs around the house, this painting tool is efficient. It features a flat edge that is used for scraping, putting putty onto holes; a pointy edge for opening paint cans, removing caulk, and wiping cracks; a hammer-like handle for closure; and a curved base for taking off paint from rollers.

Once you decide on the right painting tools and types of equipment for your home, you can take the time to choose the best paint techniques to ensure everything is painted perfectly. Choosing to hire professional painters will ensure that your wall and ceiling paint looks polished and leave the room with zero mess. No-broker has started painting services in Pune at attractive prices.