April 24, 2024

How Alcohol and Depression Relate

Everyone has days when they feel low and unmotivated, but sad days never go away for others. Most people turn to alcohol as an escape, but this often worsens the situation. Understanding the root cause of the sad feelings and addressing them helps prevent alcohol addiction. Taylor Recovery can help you overcome the addiction and also deal with the co-occurring conditions.

Could it be Depression?

You may be battling Depression if you have constant emptiness and sadness. These feelings can be strong enough to interfere with your daily life—different triggers cause Depression. Common triggers include challenges in relationships, genetics, unemployment, and past trauma. Some of these life stressors can lead victims to alcohol abuse. You can also tell when Depression is the cause of your alcohol issue as it is coupled with loss, emptiness, and fluctuations of extreme happiness and sadness.

Identifying Depression – The Signs

Depression is a common occurrence in today’s world. However, despite being common, it varies based on type and intensity. Common signs include:

  • Lost interests – you no longer want to engage in hobbies that gave you joy before
  • Fluctuating weight and appetite
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Difficulty completing tasks
  • Challenges concentrating
  • Suicidal thoughts

For one to be diagnosed with Depression, a proper psychological evaluation is needed. Some forms of Depression are more profound than others.

Common Types of Depression

Some people suffer from a persistent depressive disorder where the depressive symptoms persist and keep recurring for 2 hours. They suffer from major Depression, which lasts more than six months and revolves around feelings of worthlessness and sadness. Depression can last a lifetime and often happens among family members. Other types of Depression include:

  • Psychotic Depression – is characterized by hearing voices and imagining they want to be harmed
  • Postpartum Depression – Characterized by mood swings, anxiety, crying, and trouble sleeping. This affects mothers that have given birth.
  • Bipolar disorder – Characterized by mania caused by mood swings, and extreme lows and highs

Alcohol Use and Abuse

Most people turn to alcohol when they are stressed and to deal with their sorrows. Unfortunately, this often leads to alcohol use disorders, especially when binge drinking is involved. Alcohol use disorder often shows as:

  • A person’s drinking interferes with their family life, work, or school responsibilities
  • A person has stopped engaging in activities that are considered essential to them
  • They have been found in dangerous situations while under the influence of alcohol, such as driving, swimming, or unsafe sex
  • A person experiences withdrawal symptoms when they do not have alcohol
  • An inability to stop its use despite negative consequences
  • Drinking secretively or lying about drinking habits
  • Uninhibited behavior and poor decision making

Unfortunately, the effects of alcohol use disorders are serious. They can be physical, emotional, behavioral, and mental. Depression is a co-occurring condition that worsens with alcohol abuse. It often leads to dependence and will affect emotional health. Usually, addicts behave impulsively and tend to sink more into Depression with more alcohol use.

It is best to get help from professionals with experience and tools to help victims deal with alcohol addiction and Depression. Talk to us today to get started on this journey.